Tips For Maintaining And Extending The Life Of Your Wardrobe


Fashion is the exquisite form of an individual, making you unique and enticing”.

When you talk about fashion, people bring out different narratives associated with it. Fashion is not just a piece of clothing you wear, it’s a world where innovation meets culture. Fashion is like a color palette that can transform any monochrome imagination into a creative wonderful reality. 

Many of you misunderstand fashion with various weird levels of clothing, but do you ever realize it from a creative perspective? It is a piece of art that portrays people’s emotions, their identity, and the world as one place. You can always be your own personal stylist, you need to see the fashion within you before you bring it out to the world.

 Fashion is boundless and has no limits. So, if you are ready for an extraordinary fashion makeover, this blog will fill your mind with creative fashion pieces that will stick with you throughout. So people, let’s enter into this amazing fashion world!

Reliable Fashion Tips: Things You Need To Know As A Fashion Enthusiast

Before we start further, it is important to understand that by doing online personal styling courses and image consultancy, you can learn a lot more about fashion, but there are always some hacks and tips that most of the courses do not tell. We are here to guide you through everything that you require for your fashion world. So grab your attention, and gain confidence in being your own personal stylist.

  • Acknowledge the fabric of your clothes- It is essential to understand the fabric of your clothes first. There are several fabrics available in the market and each of them requires different care. Make sure, you read the labels of your clothes before you buy them and read the instructions thoroughly. 

  • Light washing-  Gentle washing is another important tip you need in your daily life. Hot water can weaken the quality of your fabric and even dull the beautiful colors of your clothes. Thus, it is important to avoid hot water and use cold water for washing your clothes


  • Assemble your clothes properly- Whenever you hear, guests arriving at your place, you quickly rush and keep your clothes inside the cupboard without proper folding. This dulls the shine of your clothes in the long term. 

So, next time, make sure you properly fold your clothes in your cupboard before the guests arrive. You can use hangers to hang them straight, proper drawer organizers for undergarments, and storage bins for off-seasoning clothes. 

  • Fold your clothes inside out before washing-  I know, this seems to be very confusing, but this small step can create major changes in your clothes life. Folding your clothes inside out before washing, minimizes friction and direct exposure to the harmful chemicals of detergents. 

  • Remove the stains properly- Many times, our clothes get stained due to any food coloring or any paint. I know, most of you just wash them rigorously to remove the stains. This action lowers the quality level to severe. Next time, you get a stain, remember to use a gentle stain remover and wash it with light hands.


  • Repair your clothes rather than repair- Do you know, textile waste causes 20% of global clean water to total waste, and when you dispose of clothes it causes millions of microplastics in the food chain? Remember, to repair and sew your clothes if they can still be put to use. If the damage is worse, you can redesign it by hiring a professional wardrobe stylist. 


  • Restrict yourself from overwashing your clothes- Overwashing your clothes has always proven to be the worst enemy of your wardrobe. This not only wastes water and energy but also damages the quality of your favorite clothes.

Hard clothes like jackets, sweaters, and jeans can wait to be washed after 4-5 wearings. So, before you pick your basket, ask yourself, “Do they need washing, or can wait a day or two?”

  • Give a mini-vacation to your clothes-  Giving your clothes a mini-vacation, seems so fun right? Don’t get bored by wearing specific outfits every day. This

will not only lower their quality but will make you throw them away quickly. Try your other new outfits too, to avoid that burning feeling amongst your clothes.


Final Takeaway

By following these tips, I am sure you will not only increase the lifespan of your clothes but will also maintain a smart and sustainable wardrobe. Taking care of your clothes will take you a step ahead towards a sustainable environment and contribute your part to our greener Earth.  

If you want a style coach and a personal stylist for yourself, you have been at the right place people. Megan is a style coach in Birmingham who will take you on an amazing journey in fashion where you feel comfortable in your skin, yet be chic and presentful. So be ready to join her on your fashion journey.

Disclaimer- The information provided in this content is just for educational purposes and is written by a professional writer. Consult us to learn more about style coach Megan LaRussa


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