11 Fashion-Management Essentials That Every Girl Ought To Know

You might be a good carrier of some dress, but at the end of the day, it’s you, minus the celebs, who needs to manage the same. And mind you! This could be areally very tedious job.

Wearing a dress is one aspect, managing it is a completely different one. And if you do not wish it to get ruined after a single use, you need to manage it efficiently. 

And you would be surprised that your personal fashion stylist in Louisiana or any other place could be a major assistance in this aspect too, apart from styling you elegantly. 

Here are some efficient attire and accessory-management tips from the experts, which help you keep your assets better:

1.    When you purchase new jeans and it appears a bit loose than what you intend, wash it twice before taking it to the tailor. Washing the jeans would shrink it in size and you might never need any hems.
2.    Wish to keep your diamonds sparkling? Use a liquid dishwasher detergent with the help of an old toothbrush.
3.    While organizing your clothes, take this thumb rule: keep lighter shades on the left and the darker ones on the right. In the middle, arrange them accordingly.
4.    Do not trust the cashmere you buy? Try the stretch method. Stretch its body and on release, it should snap back instantly if it’s a real one.
5.    If you are in areal hurry while buying a pair of jeans, try testing its size with your neck. Place the waistline around your neck, and if the diameter covers it appropriately, it would be your correct size.
6.    Here’s a simple way to reduce the burden on your wardrobe. Ask yourself a question that ‘If I was shopping at this moment, would I choose this one?’ If the answer goes no, you could eliminate the apparel.
7.    Need to wash the swimwear? Wash them by hands and not by machine.
8.    You need to know the kind of style makeovers that suit you well. If you are to grace a particular occasion, it’s probably not the time to experiment a style.
9.    After you iron a dress, never put it on instantly. Instead, let it sit and cool for say five minutes and then put it on. This would prevent chances of instant wrinkles.
10.                      When you set out to shop for a wedding dress or something for a big occasion, get yourself ready with the makeup on, your hair in alignment and accessories too. This would help you get a better idea of how you appear with the same.
11.                      A lipstick stain on your dress? Use a hairspray to remove the blot.
These are some of the fashion management essentials that you ought to know. You would never love to spend a lot of bucks on a process which could have been avoided by a bit of carefulness.
And most importantly, you could now get assistance from the best personal fashion stylists which could help you save your expenses and efforts in managing your outfits etc.


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